Marketing Junto

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The Babble Fish Could Be A Reality

Meta, the company that was formally called Facebook, is getting into the ambitious translation game . In a resent announcement, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the plan to translate the world's
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Silos Are Not Always A Bad Thing

Silos have a negative connotation online, but in the physical world they are helpful to keep grains and other farm materials in one space. Silos online, though often conjuring up bad connotations, can
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Impact or Self-Promotion, Where's The Happy Medium

A brilliant colleague of mine, Geoff Livingston, wrote a blog post entitled "Play the Long Game: Impact Over Self-Promotion" where he discusses the merits of focusing on making an impact
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With Cookies Going Out Of Style... What Now?

Yea, I know that image isn't of website cookies, but I couldn't think how to find an image to convey those, so I went for the more delicious variety. For better or for worse, web tracking
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Kids Wanting To Be Influencers Isn't A Bad Thing

My friend Jason Falls on his Winfluence podcast (episode 21) talked about how grownups shouldn't laugh and dismiss kids' desires to become influencers. Jason points out in the episode that a
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Is Podcasting The New Busking?

I recently put out a Twitter poll about podcasting and busking. In that poll I asked if podcasting was the new form of street performance, only this time the street is on the web. With Web3 and the
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Taking A Leap Of Faith

Taking a leap of faith into the creator economy. Marketing Junto Taking A Leap Of Faith By Seth Goldstein – 01 Jan 2022 – View online → Photo by Kid Circus / Unsplash Sometimes taking a leap of faith
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There Are So Many Places To Publish Content

Editor's Note: The goal is to publish weekly. This is another quick intro email. This explains more the motivation behind the newsletter. Look out for the first issue on January 5th. --------------
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Finding A Format

Format is key when it comes to delivering a message. Delivering marketing in the wrong format can ruin a campaign and even doom a projects. This is the same for newsletters and creator projects. As we
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We're Off To The Races

The inaugural issue of Marketing Junto was a huge success. The feedback has been great and extremely helpful. As always keep it coming. I want to hear your thoughts on where the newsletter is going.
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Rollercoaster Of A Ride On The 3rd Rock From The Sun

Wow, publishing weekly has gone so well for us. Keep the feedback coming! In the last issue I talked about how I'm revamping my business processes, this week I'm putting them into place — so